Room Correction Helper

Download and install REW (Room EQ Wizard) latest Beta

Import your avr file generated from odd executable

Drop .avr or .ady file here or click to select

Loaded AVR configuration details

File Details

Detected Channels

Channel Name


Perform the measurements; they must be loaded into REW.

Main commands

Speakers Tools

Averaging between all positions

WARNING: all current inversions and gains will be removed to produce consistent result

Alignment inside the selected position

SPL alignement makes sense on the averaged measurements, do not forget to selected corresponding position before running the task

Sub Tools

(Optional) Revert AVR low pass filter:

This step is not needed if you used odd to makes the measurements. If your sub measurements was done with REW and you own mic, you can revert the effect of the low pass filter of the AVR. select the frequency filter that was active during measures

Multi sub management

Multiple Sub, choose on the 3 possibility to get them ready

1. do it by your own in REW

Use REW alignement tool and other functionality to align sub and creates filters

2. Generate automated config

will delete actual sub configuration for the current position

3. Import your config from MSO

Details on how to use MSO import

MSO do not provide exports for REW, this is a trick that using the Equalizer APO to achieve this goal. To make the export from MSO, the related menu is available here:

MSO export menu location

Then drop the file here:

Drop your Equalizer APO export file here or click to select


Nothing to do, the import inside REW is done automatically.


  • REW API server must be started
  • Measurement having a name beginning by the name in MSO must be loaded


Download files with buttons. Import can be done through the EQ window with the created file:

REW import location

Create sum result

Creates a new measurement named LFE Predicted_{Position}.


Sub alignment with speaker

align "LFE predicted" and all individual subs measurements with selected channel, the speaker must have a filter computed

Channel Name Measurement Trim (dB) Speaker Type Inverted
Showing of measurements